Publications: |
Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2020) When economic and cultural interests align: the anti- immigration voter coalitions driving far right party success in Europe. European Political Science Review. Halikiopoulou, D. (2020) Economic crisis, poor governance and the rise of populism: the case of Greece. Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 55 (1). pp. 34-37. Vrakopoulos, C. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Vigilantism in Greece: the case of the Golden Dawn. In: Mares, M. and Tore, B. (eds.) Vigilantism Against Migrants and Minorities. Routledge, London and New York. Vlandas, T. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Does unemployment matter? Economic insecurity, labour market policies and the far-right vote in Europe. European Political Science, 18 (3). pp. 421-438. Bonikowski, B., Halikiopoulou, D., Kaufmann, E. and Rooduijn, M. (2019) Populism and nationalism in a comparative perspective: a scholarly exchange. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (1). pp. 58-81. Rooduijn, M., van Kessel, S., Froio, C., Pirro, A., De Lange, S., Halikiopoulou, D., Lewis, P., Mudde, C. and Taggart, P. (2019) The PopuList: an overview of populist, far right, far left and Eurosceptic parties in Europe. Halikiopoulou, D. (2019) Right-wing populism as a nationalist vision of legitimating collective choice: a supply-side perspective. The International Spectator, 54 (2). pp. 35-49. Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2019) What is new and what is nationalist about Europe’s new nationalism? Explaining the rise of the far right in Europe. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (2). pp. 409-434. Halikiopoulou, D. (2018) A right-wing populist momentum? A review of 2017 elections across Europe. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (S1). pp. 63-73. Vlandas, T. and Halikiopoulou, D. (2018) Does unemployment matter? Economic insecurity, labour market policies and the far-right vote in Europe. European Political Science. Halikiopoulou, D. and Vlandas, T. (2018) Voting to leave: economic insecurity and the Brexit vote. In: Leruth, B., Startin, N. and Usherwood, S. (eds.) The Routledge handbook of Euroscepticism. Routledge Handbooks. Routledge, Abindon, pp. 444-455. |