About the Blog

The EUCAnet BLOG  is divided in seven thematic sections and features the contributions from various EUCAnet projects :

COVID-19/ Democracy and Populism/ Economy/ Environment/ Foreign Policy/ Memory Politics/ Migration 

It provides some insights into the ongoing discussions based on workshops, webinars, roundtables and conferences, all dedicated to navigating our global problems that emerge out of issues over security, inequality, environmental degradation and migration. We hope to address issues in these fields of public policy making that are of shared concerns to audiences in Canada and Europe and that could benefit from a comparative transatlantic perspective.

The Blog allows for many different voices to be heard and to share opinions, perceptions or approaches, including students focusing their research on these issues, practitioners and policy makers responding to these issues and scholars providing an academic interpretation of  global challenges. The comment section invites direct feedback and aims to spark further discussion among people from different fields and experiences.

Share with us your thoughts!

This blog is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Editorial Guidelines for Guest Bloggers and Writers:

Blog mission statement: The EUCAnet blog is where scholars, media and public find engaged young and senior scholars sharing their observations, expertise on Canada-EU related topics and relations. Our goal is to share the expertise of scholars to a wider public and thus enhance the Canada-EU relations.

Guidelines Posts on the EUCAnet website are informative: No jargon. Keep it interesting and conversational. Spark curiosity in others in your subjects or expertise. The audience is scholars and media representative as well as the wider public.  What do you bring to the debates and topics that is important and new?

Requirements The following are required material for the EUCAnet blog; Word count:  500  – 2000 words. Please don’t limit your blog post based on this number.

Format for sharing: Send us an email with your Word doc to info@eucanet.org

Links: Link to other content whenever relevant. Every link included must add value for readers.

Paragraph length and spacing: Keep paragraphs short. No longer than 4 lines.

Formatting: Use headers and sub headers to break up your post. Headlines are important (spark curiosity, post a question, powerful statement, etc); Avoid big blocks of text; End the post with a question or a call to action for comments. The more specific, the better.

Images: We love images on the EUCAnet blog. Include one header image if you can (  ideally 710px wide).

Author bio: Author bio should be 50 words max; Include your headshot (350×350) if you do not have a EUCAnet profile; Link to your Twitter, LinkedIn and company.

Editing We may edit your post or bounce it back to you for revisions. Sometimes scheduling may change but we will let you know ahead of time.

Exclusivity We ask that your contribution not be published elsewhere previously, or simultaneously. If you’d like to republish a guest post that ran on EUCAnet site, please wait at least 2 weeks to do so. Update it to make it current and link to the original post.

Deadline We ask that your articles be submitted 7 days prior to your scheduled run date. Don’t worry, we’ll coordinate a date together.

Commenting Please be available the day your article publishes and the following days to respond to comments.

Promoting Please plan to promote your post throughout your social networks. We ask that you share it more than once on multiple networks over multiple days. The time frame and scheduling is up to you.


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