The Role of International Institutions in the Protection of Constitutionalism

Eszter Bodnár, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, participated in the international conference “Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism”, March 6-8, 2020, presenting a paper with the title: “The Role of International Institutions in the Protection of Constitutionalism”.

In her paper, Bodnár notes that the more the rule of law, democracy, and human rights are under stress in several countries, the more attention is given to international law instruments and institutions. Specifically, international human rights protection mechanisms are in the spotlight, both on the universal and regional levels. Other institutions with soft power, like committees, special rapporteurs, and advisory boards, also aim to influence national jurisdictions through reports and recommendations. Citizens in the concerned countries, with an increasing distrust in their own democratic and judicial institutions, await solution from these institutions in their national jurisdiction. This paper examines the ideal scope of the role of international institutions in the protection of constitutionalism, also posing questions about legality, legitimacy, and efficiency.

Short Bio

Eszter Bodnár is an an associated professor at the Faculty of Law of University Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. She is also a faculty member in the Master of Electoral Policy and Administration program of Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa and a visiting professor at the University of Victoria. She was awarded the Premium excellency postdoctoral grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the years 2018-2021. She has been teaching and researching in Canada, Germany, France, the United States, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Italy, Romania, and Australia. She graduated as a lawyer and worked at the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, and in the Hungarian National Election Office.  Her research interest is in comparative constitutional law, international human rights, and European constitutional law. She is an inaugural co-chair of the ICON-S Central and Eastern European chapter.


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