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Webinar: Defining Pro-Russian and Anti-Western Narratives in the Black Sea region

Defining Pro-Russian and Anti-Western Narratives in the Black…

Governing Migration and Refugees / Event Summary/ Video 2

Video Panel 2 Governing Migration and Refugees in Times of Populist…

Governing Migration and Refugees / Event Summary/ Video 1

Video Panel 1: Governing Migration and Refugees in Times of…

Expert interviews on governing irregular migration and refugees

The video series is part of the activities for the project …

Fazila Mat, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Canada / Borders in Globalization Fellow

Fazila Mat, PhD Candidate in Political Science, is Konrad Adenauer…

New Podcast on Democracy, Migration Studies, and Border Studies: Bridges and/or Gaps

Migration Studies explore all mobility regimes of human groups.…

Special Issue on Populism, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe

Special Issue of the Hague Journal on the Rule of Law…

The rise of the right-wing Alternative for Germany: Political extremism and the threat of ungovernability

The rise of the right-wing Alternative for Germany: Political…

“Europeanization as Pragmatic Politics: Italy’s Civil Society Actors in the Face of Right-Wing Populism”

New article just published in Social Sciences and available online: Europeanization…

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