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“Naziism in Canada”?: The Internment of Japanese Canadians and the History of Comparison

Stanger-Ross, Jordan (2021). "Naziism in Canada”?: The Internment…

EUCANet Internship during COVID: Ottawa – Victoria, by Sarah Cool-Fergus

By Sarah Cool-Fergus A bright hallway, a comfy-looking chair,…

EUCAnet Website – from Joomla to WordPress, by Beate Schmidtke

After over 15 years, we eventually make the shift to a new content…

Past EUCAnet Interns

Interested in interning with EUCAnet? Send an email to…

Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines for Guest Bloggers and Writers: Blog…

New Fellowship as Part of the Memory Politics Project

Ann-Kathrin McLean (Doctor of Social Sciences candidate at Royal…

EUCANet’s growing engagement with interns from Europe , by Beate Schmidtke

The EUCAnet team is growing thanks to the various interns that…

New Intern from Germany Joining the EUCAnet Team for Three Months, by the EUCAnet team

Christian Tautphaeus supports the EUCAnet Team during a six month…

Reflecting on EUCAnet’s Busy Year 2019-2020, by Beate Schmidtke

by Beate Schmidtke , EUCAnet Co-Lead The year 2019-2020…

The EU’s Legal Action Against the United Kingdom, by Oliver Schmidtke

by Oliver Schmidtke, director of the Centre for Global Studies,…

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