The Brexit Vote: A Clear Example of Politicizing Migration, by Kate Korte
By Kate Korte, Student at the Political Science Department at…

Populism and the Politics of Migration, by Oliver Schmidtke
By Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies at the University…

Contesting the Memory of the Holocaust: Loss of Lived Memory and the Rise of the Far-Right Populism, by Oliver Schmidtke
By Oliver Schmidtke, lead of the Jean Monnet Network European…

The Triumph of Populism: Boris Johnson’s Landslide Electoral Victory, by Oliver Schmidtke
Media Alert by Oliver Schmidtke, former ECSA-C president

Catalonia-Spain: A Comment on “Self-determination: Failures and Successes”, by Pablo Ouziel
By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria

Rethinking the Relationship between Islam, Secularism and Democracy, by Uluhan Sahin
By Uluhan Sahin, MA Student, Universities of Applied Sciences…

Countdown to the Spanish Elections: Who Are the Populists?, by Pablo Ouziel
By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies at University of Victoria

Ukraine and the Peace Initiative with Russia, by Derek Fraser
By Derek Fraser, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria

Regarding Spontaneity and Spain’s 15M Mode of Being, by Pablo Ouziel
15M-inspired responses to issues/questions raised during the…

The Tragedy of the Commons – Reflections Inspired by Spain’s 15M Movement, by Pablo Ouziel
15M-inspired responses to issues/questions raised during the…