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European Parliament CETA Ratification – Helped by Trump?, by Amy Verdun

By Amy Verdun, University of Victoria Today the European Parliament…

CETA Approved by the European Parliament. What next?, by Patrick Leblond

By Patrick Leblond, University of Ottawa Today, the European…

Angela Merkel’s Fourth Chancellor Bid – Domestic and International Challenges, by Oliver Schmidtke

By Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies, University of…

Open Letter: The European and Canadian Public Needs a Reasoned Debate on CETA, by Eugene Beaulieu and others

By Eugene Beaulieu and others This is an open letter to Europeans…

Le public européen et canadien a besoin d’un débat éclairé sur le CETA, par Eugene Beaulieu et autres

By Eugene Beaulieu and others Ceci est une lettre ouverte…

CETD Research Group: Democratic Deficit and Policy Coordination in Multilevel Governance Systems, by the EUCAnet team

By the EUCAnet team From 2008-2015 the Canada-Europe Transatlantic…

CETD Research Group: Economic Cooperation and Competition, and International Law, by the EUCAnet team

By the EUCAnet team From 2008-2015, the Canada-Europe Transatlantic…

CETD Research Group: Immigration and Social Policy, by the EUCAnet team

By the EUCAnet team From 2008-2015, the Canada-Europe Transatlantic…

CETD Research Group: Environment and Sustainable Development, by the EUCAnet team

By the EUCAnet team From 2008-2015 the Canada-Europe Transatlantic…

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