CTI – Services
In addition to…

CTI Who we are – Team and Friends
CTI began as an…

Memory Politics, Holocaust and Historical Injustice Education in Canada and Europe
Experiential Learning approaches in Memory Politics, Holocaust…

Erdogan: the Rise of Turkey’s Modern Autocrat – A Graphic Biography – A New Form of Journalism
A book launch - November 23rd, 2023 ; 12-1:30pm, Centre for…

East-West Divide in Europe? Europe and German-Polish Relations
Monday, November 27th 10 am/ 19:00 CET

Strengthening Holocaust Education – Policy Memo
Janine Wulz, Fellow at the Centre for Global Studies, University…

Special issue of the journal Social & Legal Studies: ‘Democratic Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism’
Just out :
Special issue of the journal Social & Legal…

Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration History
This special issue explores current memory politics…

BLOG: Exploring European Memory Politics in Europe on a Study Tour with 18 students from Canada
Undergraduate and graduate students were exposed to experiential…

Some Aesthetic Aspects of Holocaust Memorialization
This post began on the train from Budapest, Hungary to Klagenfurt,…