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The adventure begins!

It is Friday morning and my Canadian family and I walk into a…

Study Tour in European Memory Politics: An extraordinary learning experience and engagement with youth

UViC’s Jean Monnet Network in Memory Politics launches one…

Congratulations to Ann-Kathrin McLean for successfully defending her PhD

Ann-Kathrin McLean ( former Konrad Adenauer Canada fellow in…

Towards a Deepening East-West Division of Europe? Interests, Identity, and Memory in Times of Crisis

Summer School: Location and date: Hamburg Institute for Advanced…

Memory Politics: Introductory video for and with students

  VIDEO LINK The European Memory Politics project…

The ‘Will of the People’: The Populist Challenge to Democracy in the Name of Popular Sovereignty

Open access publication with SAGE and Social & Legal Studies,…

Memory Politics, History and the Threat to Democracy – Interview with Dr. John Lutz

Interview with Dr. John Lutz, University of Victoria For…

Memory Politics in the Context of Right-Wing Narratives – Interview with Dr. Edwin Hodges

  Dr. Edwin Hodge, University of Victoria     In…

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