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Lasse Thomassen: Democracy and its possible challenges – Democracy and its Futures

Lasse Thomassen participated in the video series on The Futures…

Anti-Immigrant propaganda and the factors that led to its success in Hungary

Barna, Ildikó (2019).  Anti-Immigrant propaganda and the factors…

Prof. David Owen: The refugee crisis and populism in Europe

In these videos, David Owen, Professor of Social and Political…

Prof. David Owen: The major challenges that democracies face today

In this video, David Owen, Professor of Social and Political…

Countdown to the Spanish Elections: Who Are the Populists?, by Pablo Ouziel

By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies at University of Victoria Eight…

Ukraine and the Peace Initiative with Russia, by Derek Fraser

By Derek Fraser, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria The…

Regarding Spontaneity and Spain’s 15M Mode of Being, by Pablo Ouziel

15M-inspired responses to issues/questions raised during the…

Institutional Reform in the European Union, by Svetlin Dimitriev

By Svetlin Dimitriev, student at the University of Victoria With…

‘Democracy’ – Reflections Inspired by Spain’s 15M Movement, by Pablo Ouziel

15M-inspired responses to issues/questions raised during the…

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