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Rescaling citizenship Inclusion and exclusion of refugees in Europe’s multi-level governance structure

Schmidtke, Oliver (2021) ‘Rescaling Citizenship: Inclusion…

‘Winning Back Control’: Migration, Borders and Visions of Political Community

Schmidtke, Oliver (2021). ‘Winning Back Control’: Migration,…

Policy Formation and Citizenship Practices: Germany’s Regions as Laboratories for Immigrant Integration

By Oliver Schmidtke (University of Victoria) Full article:…

Oliver Schmidtke: Exploring the Rise of Populism and the Threat to Liberal Democracy

In this lecture, Oliver Schmidtke conceptualizes the rise of…

Dialogue on Democracy (CEDoD) project activities 2018-2020

CEDoD stands for Canada - Europe Dialogue on Democracy: Democratic…

Chantal Mouffe: The crisis of democracy – interview at the University of Victoria

Chantal Mouffe, University of Westminster, London, participated…

Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism, International Conference, March 2020

The international conference was held at the University of Victoria…

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