Experts Search

Memory Politics and the Internment of Japanese Canadians – Interview with Dr. Jordan Stanger-Ross

Dr. Jordan Stanger-Ross is professor of history at the University…

Memory Politics in the Context of Canada’s Multiculturalism – Interview with Dr. David MacDonald

Dr. David MacDonald, Guelph University     Dr.…

Memory Politics – Social and Political Memory – Interview with Dr. Adele Perry

Dr. Adele Perry, University of Manitoba, in an interview on memory…

1st Price Essay on Memory Politics goes to Emily Grenon and James Collie

Congratulations to the winners of the essay competition "Memory…

Victoria Conference Summary & Fotos

From October 21st-23rd, 2022, EUCAnet’s Jean Monnet Network…

October 21-23 Conference: Addressing the Past – Shaping the Future

  Conference, University of Victoria, October 21-23 Addressing…

The Politics of Memory and the War in the Ukraine


New ways of remembering the past: Narrative Art & Visual Storytelling

Our EuMePo project partner Dr. Charlotte Schallié is leading…
Cover Page of the study 2022 "The Legacy of Canada’s Residential School System: Addressing Past Injustices from a Canadian-German Perspective"

The Legacy of Canada’s Residential School System – Addressing Past Injustices from a Canadian-German Perspective

This new study addresses how the ‘cultural genocide’ towards…