Experts Search

Prof. Achim Hurrelmann: Canada’s Public and its Episodic Interest in Europe

Dr. Achim Hurrelmann is an Associate Professor of Political Science,…

Prof. Patrick Leblond: EU a Fascinating Force for Peace – an Example for Canada

Patrick Leblond, University of Ottawa, works in the fields of…

Young Scholar, Alex Norfolk: Canadian Private Sponsorship Program in Victoria BC

Alex Norfolk (University of Victoria) wrote his Masters on the…

Andrew Griffith: Challenges for the Traditional Concept of Borders

Andrew Griffith is the former Director General at the Department…

Andrew Griffith: Immigration, Multiculturalism. What Works and Doesn’t Work in Canada

Andrew Griffith is the former Director General at the Department…

Prof. Christian Leuprecht: Europe’s Refugee Policies and what Canada Can Learn from them

Christian Leuprecht, Royal Military College of Canada and Queen’s…

Alan Bersin: Changing Nature of Migration in Europe and North America

In this video Alan Bersin (Assistant Secretary for International…

Prof. Can Mutlu: Syrian Refugees in Turkey

In this video, Dr. Can Mutlu (Acadia University) elaborates on…

Andrew Griffith : What Can Canada Learn from the way how Europe Deals with the Irregular Migration

Andrew Griffith is the former Director General at the Department…