Democracy and its Futures, March 2019

Rich debates on the crises of democracies are in the center of our project activities financed with the support of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme of the European Union. Year one of our Jean Monnet project CEDoD – Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy – allowed the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria to house an event series on issues of “Democracy & its Futures”. It brought together junior and senior scholars from Canada and Europe discussing issues related to democracy and populism from a comparative, transatlantic perspective. The debates of the two-day event were moderated in a way to consider in particular current issues relevant to policy makers and civic society groups.

Contributions to the Conference:

Chantal Mouffe: The crisis of democracy

Dennis Pilon: Challenges for democracies 

David Owen: The major challenges that democracies face today

Lasse Thomassen: Democracy and its possible challenges / Democracy and its Futures.

Robin Celikates: The Futures of Democracies

Tom Junes: Nationalism and inequality as threats to democracy

Joshua Nichols: Democracies and the crises of legitimacy


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