CETD Research Group: Immigration and Social Policy, by the EUCAnet team

By the EUCAnet team

From 2008-2015, the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (CETD) brought together scholars and partner organizations to promote research on relations between Canada and Europe (including the European Union), and on policy challenges of common concern to Europe and Canada. The project fostered Canada-wide and trans-Atlantic research networks, as well as the dissemination of research findings to the Canadian policy community and to the public at large through policy papers and briefs on current issues, downloadable podcasts, workshops, public symposia. Supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada under the Strategic Knowledge Cluster Program. CETD collaborated closely with EUCAnet.

The CETD Research Group Immigration and Social Policy focused on issues of primary concerns of policymakers in Canada, European countries, and the European Union: Globalization, the post-2008 economic crisis, rising inequalities, low birth rates, and ageing populations. There are striking similarities in the challenges these actors face as they seek to maintain social cohesion. While demands for the recognition of ethnic, religious, linguistic, and cultural differences are growing, public opinion in many jurisdictions is becoming less accepting of such recognition. The balance between immigration and security concerns is sometimes difficult to find. At the same time, high and increasing rates of poverty and unemployment lead to social exclusion and the challenge of identifying policies to foster more inclusive societies. These concerns require innovative policy solutions. This research group disseminated both European and Canadian research findings on innovative policies and best practices in the social and immigration policy domains.


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