CTI – Services


In addition to offering community and public talks drawing on the range of subject experts in its team and network of Associates, CTI is excited to offer advisory and consulting services to a range of academic and non-academic audiences. This work builds on the experience of its core team members, which includes a strong track record in consulting for a diversity of community, non-governmental, government, multilateral and research agencies and actors.

Consulting services are offered in a range of areas, including:

  • Facilitation of interactive, creative community engagement sessions;

  • Institutional capacity building for community / stakeholder engagement processes and facilitation, drawing on arts-based, decolonizing research methodologies that aim to honour the wisdom of approaches engaged in by Indigenous communities and Nations for millennia;

  • Development of interactive stakeholder analysis and public outreach strategies;

  • Legal toolkit development;

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services for the meaningful assessment of transformative change projects; and

  • Policy analysis, development and monitoring.

Core to the CTI ethos, the team approaches this work collaboratively and creatively, honouring the diversity and distinctive wisdoms that communities – including Indigenous communities – hold, always with a view to partnering with both people and the Earth.


Building on the wealth of teaching experience amongst the CTI team and network of Associates, CTI is in the process of elaborating a suite of courses and trainings designed for academic and non-academic audiences. Centred at the nexus of the eco-social, a set of interdisciplinary courses on specific sites of eco-social struggle are being developed, using interactive, experiential and decolonizing pedagogies, designed to be relevant to academics, practitioners, and community members working in a diversity of institutions and contexts. They will range from the theoretical to the applied, including facilitation for community engagement training, non-violent direct action training, and non-violent legal observer training.


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