Prof. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly: The importance of EU-Canada relations

Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is a Professor at the School of Public Administration, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in Innovative Governance, and the Director of the Jean Monnet Centre at the University of Victoria. He is also the the lead of the Jean Monnet Network Border/Migration and the SSHRC Borders in Globalization Partnership project (BIG). In this interview, Dr. Brunet-Jailly talks about the importance of the EU-Canada relations and the outreach activities of experts.

This interview was recorded during the ECSA-C Biennial 2018 in Toronto within the outreach initiatives: “ECSA-Cn – Building capacity for Canada’s European Studies community: the European Community Studies Association Canada (ECSA-C) as a research and outreach hub”.



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