Prof. Achim Hurrelmann: His Research and the Field of EU Studies

Dr. Achim Hurrelmann, Director of the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (EURUS), Jean Monnet Chair “Democracy in the European Union” and Co-director of the centre for European Studies at Carleton University in an interview with the EUCAnet team. Dr. Hurrelmann is presenting his main fields of expertise and his research on various aspects of political debates about the European Integration including the field of democratic deficit of the European Union. In addition Dr. Hurrelmann is talking about how he arrived to study in the field of European Studies.

This interview was recorded during the ECSA-C Biennial 2018 in Toronto within the outreach initiatives: “ECSA-Cn – Building capacity for Canada’s European Studies community: the European Community Studies Association Canada (ECSA-C) as a research and outreach hub”.


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