EUCAnet Website – from Joomla to WordPress, by Beate Schmidtke

After over 15 years, we eventually make the shift to a new content management system for our website. When we initially planned our website, we needed a platform that allowed us to create a comprehensive database for scholars, easily accessible but also advanced in terms of its search options. At that time, we were happy to build our website with the Joomla experts at Magi Studios.  More recently,  our database and website expanded and we shifted now to a new company that allowed us to explore a new design in WordPress, allowing us to adapt to the fast changing needs regarding design and content. With the support of our new local website company Caorda, WordPress now enables us to adjust the content more fully to our needs. In the spring and summer 2021, a team of over 15 people took on the task to develop and transfer the content to a new EUCANet website that reflects the results of our past, recent and ongoing projects.

Many thanks to all involved: Fazila Mat, Ann-Kathrin McLeans, Christian Tautphäus,  Niklas Lehmann, Julianna Nielson, Karen Yen, Sarah Cool-Fergus, Laurence Claussen, Svetlin Dimitriev, Julia Botscher, Sophie Schmidtke, Sebastien Leroy and from the Caorda team David, Hilary and Trish!

About the author: Beate Schmidtke is the co-lead & manager of the EUCAnet projects: CEDoM/CEDoD/MSEUCA/ECSA-Cn and the Jean Monnet Network European Memory Politics), University of Victoria. Beate brought to the EUCAnet project experience of several projects that she managed with the funds of the European Commission (yearly up to 1.5 million Euros) focusing on implementation of the New Media in the field of culture and education in close collaboration with the Council of Europe and European wide networks (Germany, Italy, Poland, Netherlands).


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