Faure, Clémence
Clémence Faure is a researcher at Institut de Recherche Montesquieu (IRM) with a PhD from the University of Bordeaux. Her work is focused on identity and migration in the context of the existence of right-wing movements. Her research includes discussions of links between migration, media and political agendas in a multidisciplinary manner combining history, sociology and philosophy.
After completing her PhD in 2019, she has gone on to continue her research aspirations as a researcher and lecturer. She is a CNU-qualified lecturer in Political Science with experience lecturing at the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas. She is also a member of the Observatoire des politiques publiques en situation (OPPEE) at the University of Bordeaux where she coordinates research and responses to the pandemic and subsequent policies.
Listing Details
Institution: | Institut de Recherche Montesquieu |
Fields of Expertise: | Memory Politics Migration Nationalism and Extremism Political Parties and Elections |
Research groups: | |
Email: | clemence.faure@u-bordeaux.fr |
Media outreach: | |
Languages: | English, French, Spanish |
Publications: | "Colonial Memories and the French Partisan Right: Preserving National Identity Through or Against Diversity (2002-2022)", Journal of European Integration History, August 2023, https://doi.org/10.5771/0947-9511-2023-1 "The Front National at the heart of the French political scene and the consequences for the UMP's failing strategy to win back and remain in power," Montesquieu Law Review, n°1, 2015, URL : http://www.montesquieulawreview.eu/ "La démocratie à l’épreuve de la présidence Trump" (compte-rendu), Transatlantica [En ligne], 2 | 2020, mis en ligne le 10 mars 2021, disponible sur : http://journals.openedition.org/transatlantica/16268 "Union nationale," in ROUBY Éric (coord.), Lexique de la crise sanitaire, 2021, URL : https://oppee.ubordeaux.fr/contributions/analyses/lexique "Des extrêmes au centre, comment les courants marginaux peuvent influencer la vie politique ?," Angles Droit, 18 octobre 2013. ISSN : 2261-2718. URL : https://anglesdroit.hypotheses.org/1399 |