Czarnota, Adam
Adam Czarnota is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and is the Co-Director of the Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law and Co-Chief Investigator of the research group, ‘Constitutional Populism: Friend or Foe of Constitutional Democracy’. Dr. Czarnota has detailed knowledge of central European societies and their history and lived experiences in turbulent times with scholarly endeavours in socio-legal studies during his collaboration at the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw in Poland and the International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Oñati, Spain.
His areas of expertise include law and social theory, legal theory, European Union law, and European human rights law and institutions. His current research focuses on what is happening on the ground and the ‘new populist’ regimes with a balanced perspective on these developments “by casting time in both their positive and negative dimensions.”
Research Interests: Law and social theory; Legal theory; European Union law; European Human Rights Law and Institutions; Populism
Listing Details
Institution: | University of New South Wales |
Fields of Expertise: | Communism and the Cold War Divide Human Rights Law and Legal Issues Populism |
Research groups: | |
Email: | - |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English, Polish, Russian |
Publications: | Titarenko, Larissa, et al. (2015). After the Soviet Empire: Legacies and Pathways. Czarnota, Adam. (2019). Constitutional Correction as a Third Democratic Revolutionary Moment in Central Eastern Europe. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 11. 397-406. Czarnota, Adam. (2018). Republikańska koncepcja rządów prawa, czyli co historyk idei może dać filozofowi. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne. 65. 317-328. Czarnota, Adam. (2016). Rule of Law as an Outcome of Crisis: Central-Eastern European Experiences 27 Years after the Breakthrough. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 8. Czarnota, Adam & Cyuńczyk, Filip & Kuźmicz, Karol. (2016). Wstęp. Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica. 15. 7-8. 10.15290/mhi.2016.15.02.01. Czarnota, Adam. (2015). Między polityką a prawem, czyli o sprawiedliwości okresu przejściowego. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica. 27. Czarnota, Adam & Hofmański, Piotr. (2017). Can we do Justice to the Past?: Problems and Prospects in East-Central Europe. |