Duyulmus, Cem Utku
Cem Utku Duyulmus is a Policy Analyst at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). He has specialized on Comparative Politics and International Relations in the course of doctoral reearch, and is also interested in European Integration and Social Policy and Welfare State. Currently, his research focuses on the comparative analysis of social policies in Western and Eastern European countries, and the transformation of the welfare state in Turkey compared to Eastern and Southern European countries with a focus on social security systems, flexecurity and activation policies.
Media Experience: Mr. Utku Duyulmus welcomes inquiries in TV, Radio and Print media formats.
Research Interests: Comparative Politics; International Relations; European Integration; Social Policy and Welfare State
Listing Details
Institution: | Employment and Social Development Canada |
Fields of Expertise: | Canadian Politics EU Foreign Policy and External Relations EU-Canada Relations Social Policy, Welfare and Labour Market |
Research groups: | |
Email: | cem.duyulmus@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English, French, Turkish |
Publications: | Duyulmus, Cem Utku, ´La Turquie en transition : unitÈ contre la diversitÈ ª, in DiversitÈ Culturelle, IdentitÈs et Mondialisation, Guy Lachapelle (ed.), QuÈbec : Les Presses de l'UniversitÈ Laval, 2008, pp.161-176. Duyulmus, Cem Utku, “Different uses of Europe: Social security reform in Turkey”, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (RC19) entitled ‘Social Policies: Local Experiments, Travelling Ideas’ , 20-22 August 2009, Montreal, Quebec. Duyulmus, Cem Utku, “Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Turkey,” paper presented at 3rd Annual Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe (RECWOWE) Integration Week ‘Work in Progress’, 09-13 June 2009, the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science of the Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Jenson, Jane and Duyulmus, Cem Utku, “Lone Parent Families and Poverty International and Interprovincial Comparisons of Policy,” paper presented at the Workshop “PauvretÈ et MonoparentalitÈ” organized by le Centre LÈa-Roback (UniversitÈ de MontrÈal), 16 March 2009, Montreal, Quebec. Duyulmus, Cem Utku, “Different uses of Europe: Social security reform in Turkey”, paper presented at Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe (RECWOWE) seminar on Europeanization and National Welfare State Change: Different usages of Europe, 15-17 January 2009, Centre d'…tudes de la vie politique franÁaise (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po, Paris. Duyulmus, Cem Utku, “Europeanization of minority rights in Turkey, 1999-2007”, paper presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Community Studies Association-Canada (ECSA-C), The Maturing European Union, 25-27 September 2008, Edmonton, Alberta. Duyulmus, Cem Utku, ´The promotion of cultural diversity: the case of Turkey through the candidacy process", paper presented at the Cultural Diversity, Identity and Globalization Workshop, International Political Science Association (IPSA), 12-13 October 2006, Montreal, Quebec. |