Haußner, Stefan
Sefan Haußner (MA) is research associate at the Jean-Monnet-Chair of European Integration and European Politics. He is alumnus of the Masters programme “MA Survey Methodology” at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Previous he successfully completed the Bachelor programme “Politics and Society” at the University of Bonn. The focus of his studies is on methods of empirical social research. Through his MA degree programme he acquired extensive knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods, particularly in the area of data collection and analysis. During his studies he worked e.g. on topics like “international comparability of survey questionnaires” and “social desirability in large scale surveys”. In his master thesis, he evaluated the usability of Multiple Imputation on vote choice preferences in several European countries. His research deals with compliance of European core norms in EU member states and non-EU countries, the analysis of German right-wing populism and the structure of Nonvoters in the European Union.
Research Interests: European Integration, European Union Voting Systems, Data Mining and Analyses, Right-Wing Movements.
Listing Details
Institution: | Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Fields of Expertise: | Democracy and Political Participation EU Politics Nationalism and Extremism Political Parties and Elections |
Research groups: | Democracy/Populism/Nationalism,RG ECSA-C Democracy,The ECSA-C members |
Email: | stefan.haussner@uni-due.de |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English, German |
Publications: | Kaeding, Michael/Schmälter, Julia/Haußner, Stefan (2019): Deal or No-Deal: Der Brexit als besondere Kraftanstrengung für NRW, Essay. Kaeding, Michael; Haußner, Stefan und Schmälter, Julia (2019): Europawahlratgeber 2019: Weichenstellung für die Zukunft. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag. Kaeding, Michael; Haußner, Stefan (2018): German elections 2017 – Low voter turnout in the context of the upcoming European elections 2019, TEPSA Brief October 2018 Kaeding, M., S. Haußner und M. Pieper (2016): Nichtwähler in Europa, Deutschland und Nordrhein-Westfalen - Ursachen und Konsequenzen sinkender Wahlbeteiligung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Pieper, Morten/Stefan Haußner/Michael Kaeding. (2015). „Die Vermessung des Euroskeptizismus der AfD im Frühjahr 2014.“ In: Michael Kaeding/Niko Switek (Hg.). Die Europawahl 2014: Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien und Nichtwähler. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag: 149-160. |