Kroeze, Hester
Hester Kroeze LL.M is a doctoral researcher at Ghent University, Belgium. She is working on a project that is financed by the “Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds” (BOF) of Ghent University. Her research focuses on the constitutional consequences of legal fragmentation in the European Union in the field of family reunification, and is carried under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter van Elsuwege. Human rights protection is part of the evaluation framework that she uses for the assessment of family reunification policy.
Before she started her doctoral thesis, Hester obtained an honorary Bachelor degree at the Utrecht Law College of Utrecht University in the Netherlands. During that time she also participated in the honorary interdisciplinary program of Utrecht University – Descartes College. After her Bachelor degree Hester completed the Legal Research Master program at Utrecht University. Following up her studies, Hester worked at Utrecht University as a lecturer, where she was responsible for teaching in the field of International- and European law. In addition she supervised several Bachelor theses, and worked on research in the field of European Constitutional Law.
Research Interests: European Constitutional Law, European Citizenship, Family Reunification, Human Rights.
Listing Details
Institution: | Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University |
Fields of Expertise: | European Identity/ EU Citizenship Human Rights Law and Legal Issues |
Research groups: | The ECSA-C members |
Email: | Hester.Kroeze@UGent.be |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English |
Publications: | De Coninck, Joyce & Gremmelprez, Femke & Kroeze, Hester & Poppelwell-Scevak, Claire & Maelen, Carl. (2018). Actualités. De Coninck, Joyce & Kroeze, Hester & Gremmelprez, Femke. (2018). Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 mei 2018 tot 31 juli 2018). De Coninck, Joyce & Kroeze, Hester & Gremmelprez, Femke. (2018). Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 februari 2018 tot 30 april 2018). Gremmelprez, Femke & De Coninck, Joyce & Kroeze, Hester. (2018). Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 november 2017 tot 31 januari 2018). Gremmelprez, Femke & De Coninck, Joyce & Kroeze, Hester. (2018). Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 augustus 2017 tot 31 oktober 2017). Open to media contact |