Kymlicka, Will
Dr. Will Kymlicka is the author of seven books published by Oxford University Press: Liberalism, Community, and Culture (1989), Contemporary Political Philosophy (1990; second edition 2002), Multicultural Citizenship (1995), which was awarded the Macpherson Prize by the Canadian Political Science Association, and the Bunche Award by the American Political Science Association, Finding Our Way: Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada (1998), Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, Citizenship (2001), Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity (2007), and Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights (2011, co-authored with Sue Donaldson), awarded the 2013 Book Prize by the Canadian Philosophical Association. He is also the editor of Justice in Political Philosophy (Elgar 1992), and The Rights of Minority Cultures (OUP 1995), and co-editor of Ethnicity and Group Rights (NYU 1997), Citizenship in Diverse Societies (OUP 2000), Alternative Conceptions of Civil Society (PUP 2001), Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported? (OUP 2001), Language Rights and Political Theory (OUP 2003), Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa (James Currey, 2004), Multiculturalism in Asia (OUP 2005), Multiculturalism and the Welfare State (OUP 2006), The Globalization of Ethics (CUP, 2007), The Politics of Reconciliation in Multicultural Societies (OUP, 2008), Identity Politics in the Public Realm (UBC 2011), Rooted Cosmopolitanism (UBC 2012), Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity (OUP, 2014), Multiculturalism and Minority Rights in the Arab World (OUP, 2014), International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity (OUP, 2015), and The Strains of Commitment: The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies (OUP, 2017). He is currently the Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy at Queen’s University, and a visiting professor in the Nationalism Studies program at the Central European University in Budapest. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. From 2004-6, he was the President of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. His works have been translated into 34 languages.
Research Interests: Democracy, Diversity, Citizenship, Social justice, Multicultural societies, Animal rights.
Listing Details
Institution: | Queen's University |
Fields of Expertise: | Cultural Diversity, Integration and Multiculturalism Cultural Memory and Policy Democracy and Political Participation Law and Legal Issues Nationalism and Extremism |
Research groups: | |
Email: | kymlicka@queensu.ca |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English |
Publications: | “National Minorities and the Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe: Commentary by Will Kymlicka and Keith Banting”, European Yearbook of Minority Issues Volume 12, 2016, pp. 42-46 [co-authored with Keith Banting]. (A commentary on Knut Vollebaek’s article, pp. 35-42). “The Evolving Basis of European Norms of Minority Rights: Rights to Culture, Participation and Autonomy”, in John McGarry and Michael Keating (eds) European Integration and the Nationalities Question (Routledge, 2006), pp. 35-63. Reprinted in Omid A. Payrow Shabani (ed) Multiculturalism and Law: A Critical Debate (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2007), pp. 235-62, and in Marc Weller, Danika Blacklock and Katherine Nobbs (eds) The Protection of Minorities in the Wider Union (Palgrave, 2008), pp. 11-41. Translated into Spanish as “La evolución de las norms europeas sobre los derechos de las minorías: los derechos a la cultura, la participación y la autonomía”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política No. 17 (2007): 11-50. “National Minorities in Post-Communist Europe: The Role of International Norms and European Integration” in Zoltan Barany and Robert Moser (eds) Ethnic Politics After Communism (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2005), 191-217. Translated into Romanian as “Minoritatile nationale in Europa postcomunista: rolul normelor internationale si al integrarii europene”, in Altera #29 (2006), pp. 5-36. “A European Experiment in Protecting Cultural Rights”, Human Rights Dialogue, Series 2, #12 (Spring 2005), pp. 28-30. “Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe”, in Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe, ed. Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski (Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 13-105. Translated into Romanian as "Teorie Politica Occidentala i Relati Etnice in Europe de Est", Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice Vol. 7/2 (2000), pp. 5-72. Translated into Bulgarian in Anna Krasteva (ed) From Ethnicity to Migration (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 2004), pp. 155-216. Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe, ed. Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski (Oxford University Press, 2001). "Estonia's Integration Policies in a Comparative Perspective", in Estonia's Integration Landscape: From Apathy to Harmony (Jaan Tonissoni Instituut, Tallinn, 2000), pp. 29-57. Also published in Estonian as "Eesti integratsioonipoliitika vordlevas perspektiivis", in Integratsioonimaastik - Ükskòiksusest Koosmeeleni, Tonissoni Instituut, Tallinn, 2000, pp. 28-55. Gender Parity and Multicultural Feminism: Towards a New Synthesis, ed. Will Kymlicka and Ruth Rubio-Marin (Oxford University Press), forthcoming. The Strains of Commitment: The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Socieites, ed. Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka (Oxford University Press, 2017), Minority Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: The Prospects for Transformative Change, ed. Will Kymlicka and Eva Pföstl (Routledge, 2016). International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity, ed. Jane Boulden and Will Kymlicka (Oxford University Press, 2015). Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. Co-authored with Sue Donaldson. Paperback edition, 2013. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002. Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001. |