Priestly, Tom
Tom Priestly is an Emeritus Professor from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta.
He has for over 30 years been researching various aspects of language in the Slovene minority area of Austria. Dr. Priestly’s interests have ranged from traditional linguistics to sociolinguistics. He has been especially interested in the numerous factors that affect the maintenance of the language in some communities and its loss in others. These include social, demographic, economic, psychological and political factors. The existence of Slovenia immediately over the border has been a crucial factor also.
Research Interests: Slovene-speaking minority in Kärnten and Austria: problems of language maintenance
Listing Details
Institution: | University of Alberta |
Fields of Expertise: | Collective Identity Commemoration and Memorialization Public History |
Research groups: | Memory Politics |
Email: | tpriestly@shaw.ca |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English, French, German, Russian, Slovene |
Publications: | [with Eva Wohlfarter] “An apparent sound change proved real thirty years later: The Slovene dialect of Sele/Zell in Austria,” Donald L. Dyer, Brian A. Joseph and Christina E. Kramer, eds., Od Chikago I nazad. Papers to Honor Victor A. Friedman on the Occasion of his Retirement [= Balkanistica 28, 2015], 393-408. From Phonological Analysis at my Desk to Linguistic Activism with Slovene in the Austrian Alps. (The Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture Series in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics, No. 8). Oxford, MS: The University of Mississippi Printing Services for the Southeast European Studies Association, 2014. [with Meghan McKinnie & Kate Hunter], “The contribution of language use, language attitudes and language competence to minority language maintenance: A report from Austrian Carinthia,” Journal of Slavic Linguistics 17 /1-2 (2009): 275-315. Susanna Pertot, Tom Priestly and Colin Williams, eds. Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2009. [with Ruxandra Comanaru], “Identity” among the minority Slovenes of Carinthia, Austria,” Razprave in gradivo. Treatises and Documents 28 (2009) 6-23. |