Rebecca Wittmann
Dr. Wittman is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Toronto. She was the Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History recipient for her book, “Beyond Justice: The Auschwitz Trial.”
Her research and teaching focuses on modern European Studies, Germany, and the Holocaust. More specifically, she is interested in German legal history and post-WWII criminal trials.
Listing Details
Institution: | University of Toronto |
Fields of Expertise: | Holocaust Studies Memory Politics |
Research groups: | Memory Politics |
Email: | rebecca.wittmann@utoronto.ca |
Media outreach: | |
Languages: | English and German |
Publications: | Telling the Story: Survivor Testimony and the Narration of the Holocaust," GHI Bulletin no. 32, spring 2003, 93-101. Beyond Justice, Harvard University Press (May 2005). "Legitimating the Criminal State: Former Nazi Judges on the Stand at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial," in Lessons and Legacies VI: New Currents in Holocaust Research, ed. Jeffry Diefendorf. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, forthcoming, spring 2004. "The Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly: The Pre-Trial Investigations of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965." Central European History 35, no. 3 (2002), 345-78. |