Roni Gechtman
Dr. Gechtman is an Associate Professor within the Department of History at Mount Saint Vincent University. His research interests surround the topics of modern European history and Jewish history.
More specifically, he has focused on the Bund, a Yiddish language Jewish labour group present in Russia and Poland and their impact on minorities. Currently, he is continuing this research focus by further examining the cultural influence of the Bund in Poland.
Listing Details
Institution: | Mount Saint Vincent University |
Fields of Expertise: | Collective Identity Memory Politics |
Research groups: | Memory Politics |
Email: | roni.gechtman@msvu.ca |
Media outreach: | |
Languages: | English |
Publications: | “Nationalizing the Bund? Zionist Historiography and the Jewish Labour Movement,” East European Jewish Affairs 43:3 (December 2013): 249-64. “Jews and Non-Territorial Autonomy: Political Programmes and Historical Perspectives,” Ethnopolitics 15:1 (January 2016): 66-88. “The Jewish Labour Bund, the Second International, and the Debate on the National and Jewish Questions.” In August Grabski, ed. Studies on the Jewish Left Anti-Zionists. Warsaw: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, 2011, 11-45. “Creating a Historical Narrative for a Spiritual Nation: Simon Dubnow and the Politics of the Jewish Past,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 22:2 (2011): 98-124. |