Publications: |
Mat, F.; Chiodi, L.; Schmidtke, O. "Europeanization as Pragmatic Politics: Italy’s Civil Society Actors Operating in the Face of Right-Wing Populism", Social Sciences. 13, 205, 2024. Schmidtke, O., "Migration as a building bloc of middle-class nation-building? The growing rift between Germany’s centre-right and right-wing parties", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 50:7, 1677-1695, 2024. Bodnár, E., Webber, J., and O. Schmidtke, O. "Populism, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe" (Introduction to special issue). Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. in press, summer 2024. Webber, J., Schmidtke, O. and E Bodnár. Introduction: Democratic Constitutionalism in a Populist Age (Introduction to special issue). Social & Legal Studies, 2023 Mobilizing History: European Integration and its Legitimizing Narrative. Special issue: Journal of European Integration History (Oliver and Birte Wassenberg), summer 2023: Reimagining Political Identity and Ideology in Europe: Memory Politics and the Resurgence of Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism; special issue of Social Sciences (Oliver Schmidtke), fall 2023: Schmidtke, O. and James, M. The Legacy of Canada's Residential School System. Addressing Past Injustices from a Canadian-German Perspective. Report for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2022 (64 pages) available in English and German at: |