Thériault, Barbara
Barbara Thériault applies a Weberian framework to her research interests which include: Sociological theory, Sociology of religions, and the Sociology of contemporary Germany. Currently, she is engaged in several research projects and notably, The “Carriers of Diversity” – a study on religion, toleration and the police in Germany. Dr. Thériault is interested in particular types of actors: “progressive” characters within semi-total organizations. Beyond their empirical interest, these characters raise an inherent challenge; how to transform from within or survive such organizations? Additionally, she is participating in three projects with The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies.
Research Interests: Sociological theory, Sociology of religion, and Sociology of contemporary Germany
Listing Details
Institution: | Université de Montréal |
Fields of Expertise: | Social Movements and Political Mobilization Social Policy, Welfare and Labour Market |
Research groups: | |
Email: | barbara.theriault@umontreal.ca |
Media outreach: | |
Languages: | English, French, German |
Publications: | 2020. Die Bodenständigen. Erkundungen über die nüchterne Mitte der Gesellschaft. edition überlandt, Leipzig, 224 p. https://editionueberland.de/shop/barbara-theriault-die-bodenstaendigen/ 2013. The Cop and the Sociologist: Investigating Diversity in German Police Forces, transcript, Bielefeld, 222 p. 2004. « Conservative Revolutionaries »: Protestant and Catholics Churches in Germany after Radical Political Changes in the 1990s, Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford, 192 p. 2019 (avec Thomas Schmidt-Lux). « Siegfried Kracauer und die Kultursoziologie ». In Handbuch Kultursoziologie. Band 1: Begriffe – Kontexte – Perspektiven – Autor_innen, Moebius, Stephan, Nungesser, Frithjof et Katharina Scherke (dir.), Wiesbaden, Springer, 511-518. 2019. « Selfies, soziologische Formeln und Koketterien: Simmels Einfluss auf die 'Zeitungssoziologie' in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren », ZYKLOS 5. Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie, 179-191. 2018. « Max Weber, Life Conduct and Existential Cultures ». In The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber, Hanke, Edith, Scaff, Lawrence, et Sam Whimster (dir.), Oxford, Oxford University Press www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190679545.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780190679545-e-30 2018 (avec Ray Taras). « Entrevue au café. Traduction fictive du polonais par Barbara Thériault et Raymond Taras d’un entretien réel avec la sociologue Aleksandra Jasińska-Kania, à Varsovie le 11 juin 2018 », Sociologie et sociétés, 50(1), 261-267. |