Weinar, Agnieszka
Dr. Agnieszka Weinar is a Adjunct Research Professor at the Institute for European and Russian Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa. She is also a Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, and Metropolis International, Center for European Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa. Her research focuses on the international dimension of migration policy and more specifically on the Europeanization of migration policies in the EU. Dr. Weinar has over 15 years of experience in the field of migration and border research and policymaking; three years of experience in internal and external policy communication as a government official; and ten years of experience creating and coordinating international partnership networks with national governments, multi-lateral institutions international organizations, donors, and civil society organizations.
Research Interests: Gender, Work, Culture, Development, Law, Public Policy, Qualitative Methods, European Union, and Central and East European Societies, Migration governance, EU-Canada relations on JHA issues.
Listing Details
Institution: | Carleton University |
Fields of Expertise: | Borders EU Policies EU-Canada Relations Gender Politics and Policy Migration Social Policy, Welfare and Labour Market |
Research groups: | The ECSA-C members |
Email: | Agnieszka.Weinar@Carleton.ca |
Media outreach: | |
Languages: | Czech, English, French |
Publications: | Weinar, Agnieszka/ von Koppenfels, Amanda Klekowski (2020) Highly-skilled migration: between settlement and mobility: IMISCOE short reader, Springer Nature Heather MacRae and Elaine Weiner, eds. 2017. Towards Gendering Institutionalism: Equality in Europe. London: Rowman & Littlefield International (Feminist Institutionalist Perspectives series). Weiner, Elaine. 2007. Market Dreams: Gender, Class, and Capitalism in the Czech Republic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Weiner, Elaine and Heather MacRae. 2017. “Opportunity and Setback? Gender Equality, Crisis and Change in the EU.” Pp. 73-93 In Gender and the Economic Crisis in Europe: Politics, Institutions, and Intersectionality, edited by Johanna Kantola and Emanuela Lombardo. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Weiner, Elaine and Heather MacRae. 2014. “The Persistent Invisibility of Gender in EU Policy.” European Integration online Papers 18: 1-20. Weiner, Elaine. 2013. “The Value of Vignettes: ‘Gender’ Travels and Translations in the European Union's Eastward Enlargement.” In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE. Weiner, Elaine. 2010. “Morality, Biology and the Free Market: (De)Naturalizing the EU’s Gender Equality Agenda in the Czech Republic.” Women’s Studies International Forum 33(1): 13-20. Weiner, Elaine. 2009. “Eastern Houses, Western Bricks? (Re)Constructing Gender Sensibilities in the European Union’s Eastward Enlargement.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 16(3): 1-24. |