Whitfield, Agnes
Agnes Whitfield is a Full Professor in the Department of English at York University and the author of numerous publications in the field of translation theory and cultural exchange. Her current research projects focus on policy models for reciprocal cultural exchange, the history of literary translators with special interest in women translators, the concepts of gender and voice in literary translation, and literary translation exchange between English and French within Canada and between Canada and Europe. She has led a SSHRC funded collaborative project on proactive approaches to literary exchange between Canada, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Romania. She is part of Voice in Translation, an international research group based at the University of Oslo. As President of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies, she signed the Association’s first Research Exchange Agreement with the European Society for Translation Studies.
Research Interests: Literary Translation, Culture and Language Policy, Gender and Literary translation, International, Literary Exchange, History of Literary Translators, English and French-language literature in Canada, Women’s, autobiographic writing, The short story as literary form, and International Literary Exchange
Listing Details
Institution: | York University |
Fields of Expertise: | Commemoration and Memorialization Cultural Memory and Policy Public History |
Research groups: | Memory Politics |
Email: | agnesw@yorku.ca |
Media outreach: | Yes |
Languages: | English, French |
Publications: | Agnes Whitfield, ed. L’écho de nos classiques: Bonheur d’occasion et Two Solitudes en traduction, Ottawa : Éditions David, Collection « Voix savantes », 2009, 364p. Agnes Whitfield, ed. Writing Between the Lines: Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators. Waterloo (Ontario): Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006, 312 p. Agnes Whitfield, ed. Le Métier du double : Portraits de traducteurs et traductrices francophones. Montréal: Fides, collection “Nouvelles études québécoises” du CRILCQ, 2005, 392 p. (Short-listed for the Canadian Federation of the Humanities Raymond-Klibansky Award. Agnes Whitfield, “The Circulation in English of Voices Theorizing Translation in French: Which Voices, When, and Why (or Why not),” Palimpsestes 33 (fall 2019), pp. 153-169. Agnes Whitfield, Émilie du Châtelet as Translator: Reading Sociability and Agency in Contexts of Multiple (In)visibilities,” Cahiers du Centre de traduction littéraires de Lausanne, 58 (2018), Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, Angela Sanmann and Valérie Cossy, eds., pp. 269-300. “Translations/Traductions,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 85/3 (summer 2016), pp. 268-299. Agnes Whitfield. “Retranslation in a postcolonial context: Extra-textual and intra-textual voices in Hubert Aquin’s novel of Québec independence Prochain episode.” Target 27/1 (February 2015), pp. 75-93. |