Andreas Ludwig
University Eichstätt
andreas.ludwig@ku.deLaurence Badel
University of Strasbourg
Laurence.Badel@univ-paris1.frVal Napoleon
University of Victoria
jiddirector@uvic.caMenkis, Richard
University of British Columbia
menkis@mail.ubc.caScott Murray
Mount Royal University
smurray@mtroyal.caAstrid Erll
Goethe-University Frankfurt
erll@em.uni-frankfurt.dePhilippe Hamman
University of Strasbourg
phamman@unistra.frMarcin Napiórkowski
Institute of Polish Culture Carleton
Universitiy of Manitoba
sean.carleton@umanitoba.caAmy King
University of Bristol Albanese
University of Padova
giulia.albanese@unipd.itOlga Pressitch
University of Victoria
olgavp@uvic.caRita Dhamoon
University of Victoria
dhamoonr@uvic.caCynthia Milton
University of Victoria
cmilton@uvic.caJohn Bingham
Dalhousie University
john.bingham@dal.caLutz, John
University of Victoria
jlutz@uvic.caNetwork on Democracy
This group of scholars reflects the collaboration of the “Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy” project and the “Populism and its Effects on Liberal Democracy: Minority Rights and Freedom of Speech” project. We connect scholars with wider public audiences through public events, webinars, video interviews, media outreach, blogs, mentorship of policy memos, and an open access database
Migration Experts
The project Canada Europe Dialogue on Migration: Cross-Border Mobility and the European Union Refugee Crisis – CEDoM” brought together a multi-disciplinary expert group in the field of the governance of borders and migration. It promoted exchange between Canada and the EU in scholarly and broader public debates with the aim to expand the knowledge of European integration through the lens of migration and border studies in Canada.
Memory Politics Group
This Network reflects the collaboration between the Jean Monnet Network “European Memory Politics: Populism, Nationalism and the Challenges to a European Memory Culture 2019-2023” . The Network is a partnership between the Center for Global Studies (CFGS) at the University of Victoria and the Institute for Political Studies (IEP) at the University of Strasbourg (France), the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Social Sciences in Budapest (Hungary).