Our Experts

Andreas Ludwig

Dr. Andreas Ludwig is a senior lecturer and research assistant at the University Eichstätt-Ingolststadt. He is the Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Examiners of the MA International Relations. He is also a member of the examination board for the BA/MA German-French Integrated Degree Program in Political Science. He is interested in security policy, European integration, International relations and memory. His research has a focus on Europe and specifically Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom.  

University Eichstätt


Laurence Badel

Dr. Badel is Professor of contemporary history at the Sorbonne. She is focused on modern history, civilizations, art and music. She was previously at the University of Strasbourg (2009-2012); before that, she was educated at the Ecole normale supérieure and at the Sorbonne. Her focus is on the history of International relations, European integration and Diplomatic practices, and she is well-known as a specialist of Economic diplomacy.

University of Strasbourg


Val Napoleon

Dr. Napoleon is a professor at the Law Faculty at the University of Victoria. She is also the Law Foundation Chair of Indigenous Justice and Governance. She is part of the initiative to establish the JD/JID, joint JD and Indigenous Law degree and the Indigenous Law Research Unit, Her research interests surrounds Indigenous law, institutions and methodologies. She is also interested in researching Indigenous feminisms and Indigenous self-determination.  

University of Victoria


Menkis, Richard

Dr. Menkis is an Associate Professor at the University of British Colombia within the Department of History. He is interested in the topics of migration, transnationalism, nationalism, race and religion. With a regional focus on Canada and Europe, he broadly studies: modern Jewish history, memory and response to the Holocaust. He was the 2018 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service Award, Awarded by Association for Canadian Jewish Studies.  

University of British Columbia


Scott Murray

Dr. Murray is an Associate Professor and Department Chair at Mount Royal University within the Department of Humanities. His research interests include Holocaust education and the use of digital technologies in the collection and dissemination of Holocaust survivor testimony in a historical, pedagogical and ethical manner. He is also interested in nineteenth-century British commercial diplomacy and European liberal nationalism and internationalism.  

Mount Royal University


Astrid Erll

Dr. Erll is Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Goethe-University Frankfurt. In 2011, she founded the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for memory studies. Her regions of focus in research include Germany, Britain, South Asia, America, and South Africa. She focuses her research on literary history, media history, cultural theory, narratology, transcultural studies and memory studies.

Goethe-University Frankfurt


Philippe Hamman

Dr. Hamman is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Strasbourg and is affiliated with the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (IUAR). He is also the Jean Monnet Chair of “Governance of Integrated Urban Sustainability in Europe (GoInUSE)” (2020-2023). His research interests include urban cooperation and regional planning, local policies, environmental humanities, borders and mobility.

University of Strasbourg


Marcin Napiórkowski

Dr. Napiórkowski works at the Institute of Polish Culture in the Department of Contemporary Culture. His research broadly focuses on contemporary Polish vernacular culture in comparative perspectives, memory, imagination, resistance, pseudoscience and consumer mythologies. Since 2014, he has been managing the research project “Contemporary Polish vernacular culture in a comparative perspective. Memory – Imagination – Practices of Resistance” carried out jointly by the University of Warsaw, the University of Michigan and the Pennsylvania State University.  

Institute of Polish Culture


Sean Carleton

Dr. Carleton is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of History and Indigenous Studies at the University of Manitoba. He holds BA and MA degrees in History from Simon Fraser University and a PhD from the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies at Trent University. He studies the history and political economy of settler colonialism, capitalism, and education in what is currently Canada. Dr. Carleton also interested in comics, critical pedagogy, and history education.

Universitiy of Manitoba


Amy King

Dr. King is a Lecturer at the Department of History at the University of Bristol. She is currently writing a monograph, “Politics of Sacrifice: Remembering Italy’s 1973 Rogo di Primavalle,” which considers the ways in which memory of the 1973 arson attack has been incorporated into neo-fascist identity. Her research interests include Transnational memory cultures, Commemoration, national identity, Fascism and neofascism. Her current research surrounds the role of secular martyrs in the construction of Italian identity.

University of Bristol


Giulia Albanese

Dr. Albanese is an professor of Modern History at the University of Padova. She is the coordinator of the PhD in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies of the Universities of Padua and Ca’ Foscari Venezia. She is a graduate of the University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari and received her  PhD from the Eui, in Florence. Her research focuses on fascism, political violence and authoritarianism in Europe.

University of Padova


Olga Pressitch

Dr. Pressitch is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Victoria.Her broader research interests include Eastern European cinema and second-language pedagogy. She is also a Ukrainian language teacher and poet. Her poetry is published in two collections, “Impressions,” and “Don Juan and Other Ghosts.” She received her PhD from the Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with a focus on Ukrainian literature in postwar Canada.  

University of Victoria


Rita Dhamoon

Dr. Dhamoon is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Victoria. She formerly held a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Victoria in 2007-2008. She also held a Grant Notley Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta from 2005-2007. Her research employs critical race feminist and intersectionality approaches. She has focused her research on Sikhs in Canada and the impact of colonialism on South Asian and Indigenous people. Her research interests fall […]

University of Victoria


Cynthia Milton

Dr. Milton is a Professor and Associate Vice-President of Research in the Department of History at the University of Victoria. She is a former President of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada. She is also a former Research Chair in the History Department at the Université de Montréal. She was also the 2019-2020 Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Fellowship recipient. Her research takes an interdisciplinary approach and emphasizes the diffusion of knowledge. She is interested in […]

University of Victoria


John Bingham

Dr. John Bingham is an Assistant Professor within the Department of History at Dalhousie University. He received his PhD from York University and has since continued with both research and lecturing roles. Within Dr. Bingham’s research he has focused on themes of modern German and European history alongside urban politics, local government, crime, and cultural exhibitions. Within his lecturing, he has also focused on similar themes related to European History, German History and Holocaust studies.  

Dalhousie University


Lutz, John

Dr. Lutz is a Professor at University of Victoria within the Department of History. His areas of expertise are: History of British Columbia, History of the Pacific Northwest History, and the History of Indigenous-Settler Relations.

University of Victoria

Network on Democracy

This group of scholars reflects the collaboration of the “Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy” project and the “Populism and its Effects on Liberal Democracy: Minority Rights and Freedom of Speech” project. We connect scholars with wider public audiences through public events, webinars, video interviews, media outreach, blogs, mentorship of policy memos, and an open access database

Migration Experts

The project Canada Europe Dialogue on Migration: Cross-Border Mobility and the European Union Refugee Crisis – CEDoM” brought together a multi-disciplinary expert group in the field of the governance of borders and migration. It promoted exchange between Canada and the EU in scholarly and broader public debates with the aim to expand the knowledge of European integration through the lens of migration and border studies in Canada.

Memory Politics Group

This Network reflects the collaboration between the Jean Monnet Network “European Memory Politics:  Populism, Nationalism and the Challenges to a European Memory Culture 2019-2023” . The Network is a partnership between the Center for Global Studies (CFGS) at the University of Victoria and the Institute for Political Studies (IEP) at the University of Strasbourg  (France), the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  (Poland) and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Social Sciences in Budapest (Hungary).


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