Featured Experts: Dr. Costanza Musu, University of Ottawa

Professor Costanza Musu is a regular contributor to national and international media.

Fields of expertise: European Union foreign and security policy, EU policy towards the Middle East conflict, Transatlantic Relations in the field of security and defense EU-NATO relations, International security, and Conflict resolution.

Contact info: c.musu@uottawa.ca

EUCAnet invited Costanza Musu to share some tips and advice about her outreach expertise:

“I am often invited by media to comment on rather controversial topics, like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, terrorism, or various issues surrounding Western policies towards the Middle East. As such, my first priority is to give balanced and nuanced answers, and avoid using the interview as a pulpit to promote a specific political position or argument. As academics I believe our contribution is to help listeners understand complex issues that are ofter rooted in obscure facts and grievances. It  is also very important to avoid convoluted answers: sentences should be clear and not run into each other, and ideally one should not speak so long that the interviewer has to actually cut you off.”

Why engaging with media?

“I see this as part of the job of an academic: we disseminate knowledge through conference participation, articles, books, but also through active engagement with the media, especially when we can offer insight into complex and fraught issues.”

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