Featured Experts: Dr. Andrea Wagner, MacEwan University

Professor Andrea Wagner is a regular contributor to national and international media.

Fields of expertise: Law and Legal Studies, EU & European Studies, European Union, and European Politics.

Contact info: wagnera27@macewan.ca

EUCAnet invited Andrea Wagner to share some tips and advice about her outreach expertise:

“Be knowledgeable and neutral, well prepared and have a balanced approach. There will be certain topics where it is pivotal to take a stance and undermine increasing misinformation to help the public dissect and understand the current events.”

Why engaging with media?

“To explain certain complex topics, inform the audience, guide them in their decision making.  Fake news has become increasingly prevalent over the last few years and Academics play an important role to re-enforce fact based analysis.  It also allows the researcher to promote and disseminate his/ her research findings. “

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