Our Projects

Democracy & Populism | Memory Politics

Our projects are multidisciplinary and based on joined collaborations with partners in Canada and Europe.  They involve areas of research, outreach, or education. Our ongoing research priorities are a result of fruitful exchanges with our various partners, and encapsulate some of the most pressing and significant issues facing transatlantic democratic societies.

Our first project is on Democracy and Populism. While populism was a marginal political force in post-war Europe, it has now entered the political mainstream with decisive implications for the performance of liberal, representative democracies. Across the continent, we have growing evidence of populist parties being a major force in dismantling fundamental rights as well as checks and balances on which liberal democracy depends.

Today, we are also at a critical turning point in regards to how we remember and commemorate the past. Our second project, on Memory Politics, is based on this fact. In Europe, debates over collective memories of 20th-century traumas (e.g. the World Wars, fascism, the Holocaust, colonialism, and the legacy of communism and Cold War divide) and populists’ appeals to ‘the people’ have challenged Europe’s democratic culture and project of integration.

Finally, EUCAnet has a rich history, and we’ve completed many projects. Some of our Past Projects involved examinations of democracy and constitutionalism, exchanges with scholars on European studies in Canada, issues of migration, and more.

The outcomes of our projects are presented in form of academic publications, blog contributions, multimedia productions and social media. In our project reports we also feature the main events that took place, such as conferences, workshops, online lectures, or webinars.

To find our more, check out EUCAnet’s Browsing Filter for specific contributions, see our reports for past projects, or visit the active project websites. You can also click the images below to go to our specific project pages.


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