Policy Recommendations

EUCAnet’s projects often involve the component of policy recommendations. Senior and junior scholars collaborate on addressing urgent current issues from a transatlantic perspective. The following policy recommendations have been published within the framework of the European Community Studies Association Canada (ECSA-C); the Canada Europe Dialogue on Migration (CEDoM) and Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy (CEDoD) projects.

Collective Memory and Democratization – Policy Memo

Oliver Schmidtke, Director Centre for Global Studies, University…
October 13, 2023/by Beate Schmidtke

Strengthening Holocaust Education – Policy Memo

Janine Wulz, Fellow at the Centre for Global Studies, University…
October 10, 2023/by Beate Schmidtke

Media and Collective Memory – Policy Memo

Fazila Mat, Fellow at the Centre for Global Studies, University…
October 9, 2023/by Beate Schmidtke

Dialogue on Democracy- Four Policy Memos by Young Scholars

October 28, 2020/by Beate Schmidtke

COVID-19, International Travel Restrictions and the Future of Schengen Visa Policy, by Juliette Dupont

August 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

British Columbia’s Carbon Tax Impact on Industrial Sector Emissions: Comparing Policy Effectiveness with the EU Emissions Trading System, by Simon Dessureault

August 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Energy policy in the European Union: Sovereignty, Interdependence, and the implications of Nordstream II in a multi-polar world, by Alina Sayfutdinova

July 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Rebuilding the Economy After Covid-19: An Opportunity for Sustainability, by Alina Sobolik/Covida Collective

June 10, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

The Politics of Quarantine: Reinventing Democracy, by Ethan Connor Quilty/Covida Collective

June 2, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Recovery Policies: Trigger or Hindrance for an Ambitious Climate Policy?, by Kurt Hübner

June 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Frugal Four and the Fiscal Policy Regime of the EU: From austerity to mutual spending?, by Kurt Hübner and Henrik Jacobsen

June 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Refugee Experiences and Behaviors in and out of the Realm of ‘Crisis’, by Mehdi Hashemi

June 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Exclusion through Public Discourse: Media representations of Syrian Refugees in Turkey, by Fazıla Mat

June 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Universal Basic Income: The Necessity For Human-Centred Economic Modernization in Europe and Beyond, by Noah T. Hathaway/Covida Collective

May 27, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

COVID-19 and the environmental crisis: Major challenges for the European Union, by Johannes Müller Gómez

May 1, 2020/by Svetlin Dimitriev

Solidarity in the era of Coronavirus: Civil society and legitimacy, by Javier Dichupa/Covida Collective

April 15, 2020/by Beate Schmidtke

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