Tag Archive for: borders

Regional Identity, Separatism, and War in Eastern Europe: Donbass and Pridnestrovie

Oleksy, Piotr & Studenna-Skrukwa, Marta (2019). Regional…

Observations from Cyprus: Border Walls and the Idea of the “Other”, by Tiana Geukdjian

By Tiana Geukdjian, student at the University of Victoria As…

Borders, Security, and Migration, by Malcolm Thompson and Alina Sobolik

By Malcolm Thompson and Alina Sobolik, University of Victoria Introduction:…

Separation Anxiety, by Robert Gould

By Robert Gould, Carleton University On March 14th while living…

DEMOCRACY and its FUTURES: Moving away from Jargon and Excessive Theoretical Baggage, by Ryan Beaton

Graduate students in Victoria, Canada, debate the approach…

Canada’s Border and Migration Policies in Comparative Perspective, by Franziska Fischer

by Franziska Fischer, PhD student at the Department of Political…

Prof. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly: Comparing EU & Canada when it Comes to Migration and Border Issues

Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is a Professor at the School of Public…

Dr. Lyubov Zhyznomirska: Canada, the EU and Irregular Migration Flows

Prof. Lyubov Zhyznomirska (Saint Mary’s University) works on…