Tag Archive for: CEDoD

Prof. Chantal Mouffe on crisis of the neoliberal order (French/English)

Chantal Mouffe, University of Westminster, London, participated…

The Spectre of Populism: A Threat to Liberal Democracy? Lecture by Oliver Schmidtke

In this talk, organized by the University of British Columbia…

Prof. Dennis Pilon: The challenges our democracies are facing today

In this video, Dennis Pilon, an Associate Professor in the Department…

Dr. Tom Junes: Nationalism and inequality as threats to democracy

In this video, Tom Junes, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at EUI,…

Lasse Thomassen: Democracy and its possible challenges – Democracy and its Futures

Lasse Thomassen participated in the video series on The Futures…

Prof. David Owen: The refugee crisis and populism in Europe

In these videos, David Owen, Professor of Social and Political…

Prof. David Owen: The major challenges that democracies face today

In this video, David Owen, Professor of Social and Political…

Prof. Joshua Nichols: Populism and the Crisis of Legitimacy: Reconsidering the Practice of Self-Rule

Joshua Nichols (Faculty of Law, University of Alberta)  participated…

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