Tag Archive for: CEDoM

Andrew Griffith : What Can Canada Learn from the way how Europe Deals with the Irregular Migration
Andrew Griffith is the former Director General at the Department…

Prof. Kelly Sundberg: How Can Canada and Europe Learn from each other in Respect to Irregular Migration
Kelly Sundberg, associate Professor in the Department of Economics,…

Prof. Simon Dalby: Climate Change and Migration
In this video, Simon Dalby, professor of Geography and Environmental…

Prof. Ben Muller: European Union and Migration Crisis: Lessons for Canada?
Ben Muller, King's University Collage, Western University

Prof. Christian Leuprecht: Borders, security issues and global migration
Christian Leuprecht, Royal Military College of Canada and Queen’s…

Prof. Christian Leuprecht: Global Migration: Security Issues and Sustainable Strategies
In this video, Christian Leuprecht, Royal Military College of…

Doug Saunders: Immigration Canada Europe. Making Population Growth Work
In this video, Doug Saunders, journalist and author, and columnist…

The Divisive Force of Migration Politics and the End of the Coalition Negotiations in Germany, by Oliver Schmidtke
By Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies, University of…