Tag Archive for: democracy

The Brexit Vote: A Clear Example of Politicizing Migration, by Kate Korte

By Kate Korte, Student at the Political Science Department at…

Populism and the Politics of Migration, by Oliver Schmidtke

By Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies at the University…

Prof. Chantal Mouffe on crisis of the neoliberal order (French/English)

Chantal Mouffe, University of Westminster, London, participated…

The Spectre of Populism: A Threat to Liberal Democracy? Lecture by Oliver Schmidtke

In this talk, organized by the University of British Columbia…

Catalonia-Spain: A Comment on “Self-determination: Failures and Successes”, by Pablo Ouziel

By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria On…

Prof. Dennis Pilon: The challenges our democracies are facing today

In this video, Dennis Pilon, an Associate Professor in the Department…

Rethinking the Relationship between Islam, Secularism and Democracy, by Uluhan Sahin

By Uluhan Sahin, MA Student, Universities of Applied Sciences…