Tag Archive for: democracy

Robin Celikates: The Futures of Democracies – interview at the University of Victoria

In this video Robin Çelikateş, Professor of Social Philosophy…

Fazila Mat on Studying Migration and Issues of Democracy in Italy and Turkey by the EUCAnet team

Fazıla Mat is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of…

How COVID-19 Is Eroding Civil Liberties and Damaging Society, by Javier Dichupa

By Javier Dichupa, student at the Department of Political Science…

Can COVID-19 Be Taken as An Opportunity to Improve our Policies?, by Ethan Quilty

By Ethan Quilty, student in Computer Science and Marine Biology…

Richard Bellamy: Democratic Structures and Populist Movements

Richard Bellamy ( Department of Political Science, University…

Prof. Colin Macleod: Populist Majorities. Demos or Demons?

Colin Macleod, Professor in Law and Philosophy and Chair of the…

Prof. Jeremy Webber: Populism, its Affinities, its Consequences, and our Responses

Jeremy Webber, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, participated…