Tag Archive for: Central-Eastern Europe

Webinar: Defining Pro-Russian and Anti-Western Narratives in the Black Sea region
Defining Pro-Russian and Anti-Western Narratives in the Black…

Special Issue on Populism, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe
Special Issue of the Hague Journal on the Rule of Law…

East-West Divide in Europe? Europe and German-Polish Relations
Monday, November 27th 10 am/ 19:00 CET

Memory Politics in a Regional Perspective: Towards a new East-West Divide?
The Jean Monnet Network European Memory Politics (EuMePo) featured…

Memory Politics in a Regional Perspective: Towards a new East-West Divide?
Konrad Adenauer Foundation Canada Panel during the International…

Contesting European Memory Culture: Central European Perspective
Politics of History and Memory Conflicts in Post-Communist Europe

Webinar: Collective memory and populism in Central Europe (in Polish)
Nationalist-populist movements around the globe…

Collective memory and populism in Central Europe
June 21st 2021 - 9:00am PST- 18:00 CET
This webinar will be…

Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism, International Conference, March 2020
The international conference was held at the University of Victoria…

Solving the Gordian Knot: the formation and evolution of minority protection regimes in Poland
Halicka, Beate (2020). Solving the Gordian Knot: the formation…