Tag Archive for: European Union

Young Scholar, Thibault Biscahie, specializes on France and the EU

Thibault Biscahieis a PhD Candidate in the Department of Politics…

A Certain Distance from Russia: New Conditions for Transnistria, by Piotr Oleksy

by Piotr Oleksy, Adam Mickiewicz University Transnistria has…

That Other Disruption: Brexit and EU Citizenship, by Willem Maas

By Willem Maas, York University Another disruption is taking…

Moldovan Dilemmas, by Piotr Oleksy

By Piotr Oleksy, Adam Mickiewicz University In Moldova, building…

Young Scholar, Stefan Haußner, specializes on voter participation in the EU

Stefan Haußner is a Research Associate at the Chair…

Young scholar, Johannes Müller Gómez, on his dissertation in the field of EU studies

Johannes Müller Gómez is the co-president for the Young Researchers…

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