Tag Archive for: Mediterranean region

Rethinking the Relationship between Islam, Secularism and Democracy, by Uluhan Sahin

By Uluhan Sahin, MA Student, Universities of Applied Sciences…

Tima Kurdi: The refugee crisis and the need for humanitarian and political action

During our Canada Europe Dialogue on Migration conference Tima…

Volunteering in a Refugee Camp in Greece, by Franziska Fischer

By Franziska Fischer, PhD candidate, Political Science, University…

Observations from Cyprus: Border Walls and the Idea of the “Other”, by Tiana Geukdjian

By Tiana Geukdjian, student at the University of Victoria As…

Prof. Can Mutlu: Syrian Refugees in Turkey

In this video, Dr. Can Mutlu (Acadia University) elaborates on…

Militarizing the Mediterranean Sea – Putting Refugees at Risk, by Oliver Schmidtke

By Oliver Schmidtke, Centre for Global Studies at the University…

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