Tag Archive for: Ukraine

BUDAPEST Conference “Memory Politics in Europe – Towards a Deepening East-West Divide?”
On June 14-16, 2023 the Jean Monnet Network European Memory Politics…

Towards a Deepening East-West Division of Europe? Interests, Identity, and Memory in Times of Crisis
Summer School: Location and date: Hamburg Institute for Advanced…

Victoria Conference Summary & Fotos
From October 21st-23rd, 2022, EUCAnet’s Jean Monnet Network…

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: The Perspective from Europe
Tuesday, 6 September 2022, Victoria, BC.
Oliver Schmidtke…

Ukraine and the Peace Initiative with Russia, by Derek Fraser
By Derek Fraser, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria

Ukraine Is Heading for the Membership in the EU and NATO, by Serhy Yekelchyk
By Serhy Yekelchyk, Professor of Slavic Studies and History,…

How Did Polish Decommunization Policy from the late 90s Became a “Holocaust Bill” in 2018?, by Iryna Matiyenko
By Iryna Matiyenko, University of Victoria
No, there is no…